Violet Imogen Forbes, the new teenager relocating with her mother, to the small town of Beacon Hills, California. Expecting nothing more than a new beginning from the "riff-raff" of the Hollows, Violet grows fond of the unique surroundings, like this location is intended for her; however, once she reaches the heart of the small town, unseen forces start yanking at her in every direction awaiting her arrival - her discovery - her destruction.
Soon capitulating into the urges of the unseen forces, Violet's life rapidly alters as she winds up in the wrong places at the incorrect times. Her once "normal" reality turns into a forsaken hell, when the truth causes her fragile being to deteriorate tenfold. The pleasant town of Beacon Hills, has now been unveiled, and Violet discovers that death plagues the darkest of nights, and werewolves and hybrids roam free. These werewolves, however, are not the ones presented horrifically on the silver screens covered in matted hair and rotten teeth, but are disguised as elegant beings with athletic builds and haunting smirks; nothing more, than the devil, himself, cloaked as an alluring beast.
The uncovering of the entire truth, triggering something deep within Violet's being; thus, generating a frenzy amongst the unseen forces whose goals were the destruction and rediscovery of the teenager ever since she infiltrated the town's borders. This newfound power, allowing the fractured girl to become the victim of forsaken circumstances. Those that are held dear have revealed their true selves, leaving Violet full of betrayal. The truth is far from what she wanted - it wasn't supposed to cause nearly as much torment. The discovery of their identities alone, is enough to provoke the devastation-filled futures that lays in wait for all present in Beacon Hills. Had it simply been a coincidence Violet's mother relocated them to the odd town of Beacon Hills, California, or did she have an onset intention since day one?