Hetalia Hunger Games Simulator
7 parts Complete I'm gonna play the Hunger Games Simulator with those certain characters you are gonna see in the future . I'm gonna write down exactly what it says and in () I'm gonna write my thoughts , if I have any . I was inspired by a YouTuber named GA y Y AYYAYY YA YY ay y YYAGA Y Gaya yag ay GAYA GAGAYA Ygay yakashi fuck mehard bruh gay ya , he/she played the game with Hetalia characters and he/she wasn't actually talking all the time , but he/she was writing whatever she wanted to add and she/he had some good sound effects . I thank the YouTuber so much for being the source of my inspiration ! I hope you enjoy ! (I'm gonna show you the whole image of the book in every part , so don't worry , I'm also gonna put Hetalia songs in each part)
Me and @Miyukidreams co-operate together , we both agreed to make in each account a Hunger Games Simulator . Please make sure to follow her ! Thank you !