You are born into one of the seven divisions and will grow up there until you are in your last year of school. You will go to school with occupants from the other divisions- you will make peace and stay in harmony with them. The last day of school in your last year, you will be tested. The test will tell you which division you most likely find more appealing to live in. You will not be able to study for this test, nor will you be allowed to know what it will be asking. You will answer the questions accordingly. Once you are given the test results, you will chose your division and will publicly commit to a division. It is by law you are given the right to chose your division freely. Once you chose your division, you will stay the remaining of your life in that division, devoting to it until you die. Serendipity is brought up with this knowledge throughout her life. Then, it is her turn to be in her last year of school and take the test that will help her make her decision. But it isn't all that helpful. Or, is it? She has to make up her mind, the public commitment approaching soon. Which of the seven will she chose, based on her own analysis? Serendipity must chose to commit her life to either a different division, or stay where she already is placed, with her family.