When you gaze around as you walk and notice everyone, what do you see? Do you see people living their lives without a care? Maybe even people struggling with food rations instead? You may notice them, but the people you'll always notice are the people that stand up among the others, the people who put themselves out there, even if it may not be in the spotlight, but they stick out. That's what everyone strives to be, they strive to be someone or something that others can look up at and say, "I want to be like them!" Everybody wants to make their mark on the world. That's something I hope to do. With this, you can follow along the story of a teen who hopes to do it, starting with this one entry. The events that happened may not be exact, but its how he perceived it. He hopes that others may read and possibly enjoy. He hopes that others may laugh, share with others, talk of it, but the one thing he hopes to do...is to make an impact...and to share his story, no matter how small it may be.