Meet Maia Baggins. She is a beautiful, angelic white-haired and silver-blue eyed orphaned child whose adoptive blonde haired parents were abusive to her and they constantly get drunk. When Maia was six, she approached Lucius Wagner, a creepy boy whom she fell in love with, but her parents were against it and they decided to never, ever let Maia see Lucius ever again. Ever! But things change as Lucius is on the verge of taking his family members' lives, and he wanted Maia to do the same since she was abused. Lucius and Maia soon fell in love and they had two children named Lucia and Loki Wagner.
Horror Love Story based off the Lucius game by Shiver Games except a lonely six year old small town girl named Lucia helps out the boy of her dreams! All her family has passed away and she lives with her best friend, however she gets treated badly by the mother so she ran away and made her way into her most favorite game of all time but she never got a chance to finish playing the game until she met him! How would this turn out? Find out! ;)