The story begins with a brief description of the original story of Harry Potter with a few twists. But what about after the war? This is a story about Hermione Granger who discovers a secret about herself and and returns to Hogwarts to complete her 8th year using the secret to her advantage. It turns out that Hermione is not a muggleborn but a pureblood and that too a Gaunt, which means she is the descendant of Voldemorts aunt. Hermione enters the 8th year with a change, a change of house? Gryffindor or Slytherin? Will she become head girl? Who would be head boy? Why is she re-housed? Is she having an identity crisis? And what is on Draco's mind other than friendship? What is ALG? And how does it effect her life? Keep reading to find out more... *All characters owned by JK Rowling* :)