Entry #1 Dear Somebody They finally attacked us, I can't really remember much. The only thing that has lodged itself in to my brain are the screams and cries of pain from the people I love. There's blood here, where did it come from? Its now staining the pages I write on in scarlette. How did I end up covered in blood? Did I stumble or fall? Entry #24 Dear Somebody They're all dead. Those cold heartless murderers! How dare they? Entry #27 Dear Somebody The ones that survived are being forced to give up their freedom. They won't ever find me. I won't let them. I have to survive! Entry #35 Dear Somebody Those bloodsuckers found me! Their stupid lapdogs somehow managed to sniff me out! Either way, they can't keep me locked up here forever! I'll find a way to escape! I have to. Entry #36 Dear Somebody I watched them murder someone in cold blood. The floor has been stained in scarlette. I won't allow myself join them. I won't let my blood stain the soil as well. Entry #43 Dear Somebody There's no escape. I'm never getting out of here. Entry #45 Dear Somebody If there is anyone reading this I beg of you; help me! Save me before they kill me! --------------------------------- I've read about this story a million times before. Nobody knows who it is or what this person went through. We study these 'Dear Somebody' notes in history. These are the only entries that have ever been found. Everyone believes though that this person was a witch. One of the last to ever exist. Well, I did say 'one' of the last.All Rights Reserved