' I'm not pained physically but,
I'm pained mentally as
It burn on the inside but,
Not on the out
It takes my breath away and
Beat me down'
by Pearletta Campbell
Meet Hope Quintella (Quin-tell-a) Lovotius (Love-vote-us). It's funny how she has anything, but hope the irony. She wish she had hope for the situation she was in. She stop wishing a long time ago. Why she stop wishing along time ago? Well because she took it apoan herself to get out of it. But it seems that she only can find bad luck. It sticks to her like white on rice. Find out in the book 'Why'.
Look I got full copy right on this book. I really don't want to report anyone before my summer is over. idm if use quotes or one of my poems but don't go around flaunting that u done something that is somebody else's and if u want proof that this is my stuff text me on snap and I will show u a pic of the paper with my name and date of when it was done.
And if u have any ideas please let me know like help me out cause I would do the same for u, just keep the drama to yourself and we all good.
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