Brittany Hills Chronicles: Act 3
132 parts Ongoing MatureCarter is dealing with a lot,; his daughter, his relationship with his brother, the fact that he had murdered his uncle... and something that happened to his boyfriend that caused Carter to turn to someone not even recognizes.
Terron is suffering... and instead of turning to the one person who never gave up on his Terron begins distancing himself from everyone that loves him. ....
Jace is trying to grow as a person... since the death of his friend he's trying to be less petty and less shady but people from his past including an absentee father, deranged stalker, and family he didn't want... it's only a matter of time before 'Old Jace' reemerges.....
Quantavius just wants a normal life but his eldest brother is trying to drag him into something he wants no parts of but, he is persistent and he's willing to do anything in his power to bring Quantavius into the fold...
Idris wants revenge for his family's brutal murder and to him, that's the only thing that matters, for him the only way for him to be able to move on with his life is to take someone else's........
Masai, can't win for losing it's one thing after another and though he's trying to deal with it the only way he knows how there is one person who is determined to keep Masai from falling back into the system..................