Nagisa has been rushed into a life of adulthood rapidly at only the age of 14. Being trained to assassinate his teacher who will destroy the world by graduation doesn't even scratch the surface. The reality that his school's very system has to rely on putting down the E-class students. Built upon lies so that kids below expectation aren't given the tools, and opprotunity to succeed to a good university. Assassinate his genocidal teacher, get his grades on beat, show A-class who's boss.The choices he made now were of up most importance. That is...if they were his own decisions. His mother has a strange insistance on controlling every little detail of his life. His school, his activities, even his hair. Mrs. Shiota had always wanted a little girl rather a boy. she never feared expressing such. She has been more obsessive over her want for a girl lately. After a couple of noticeable changes in Nagisa's...everything it was soon revealed that he was The change sparked a new level of crazy upon the household. Mrs. Shiota pushes her underaged son to make a decision she would regret monumentally. How could Nagisa save the world, keep up with his grades, deal with the never ending drama, and coupe with his mother with a newborn on the way!All Rights Reserved