Octavus Merill of Cyrodiil was a man of humble up bringings, putting the lives of the innocent before him. He is Dragonborn and had saved the world three separate times. First, he defeated the World-Eater, Alduin. Second, he did the impossible and killed the immortal Vampire-Lord Harkon and lastly, he saved Lady Miraak from the clutches of The Daedric Prince of Knowledge (Mods).
Octavus was responsible for the reunification of Skyrim and helped lead the country into a greater future. Now, at 32 years old, Octavus will face his greatest challenge, as he is called to the bedside of the dying Emperor.
Cast list
Inigo: Best Friend and advisor
General Tullius Traitor but forgiven
Legate Rikke Military Governor and Surrogate Mother
Titus Mede II predecessor
Imperial Council of Elders ( Characters will be announced later)
Ulfric Stormcloak (flashbacks)
Sergius Merill ( Octavus's Father)
Delphine Mentor and leader of the Blades
Esburn Imperial Archives Keeper
Livia Salvian (Her Father is the High Chancellor of the Empire)
Lucien Flavius
Lady Miraak ( A possible love interest)
The Jarls of Skyrim
The Nine Divines ( will speak to our hero in his mind but Octavus will meet Akatosh face to face)
Elewen (love interest and spy within the Dominion, their relationship is a mere "booty call")
Practically the whole Aldmeri Dominion
Serena (but she'll be in hidden in plain sight)
The Dawnguard
Orion Mede I (Son of Titus Mede II and leader of the West Empire out of half of Skyrim , all of Morrowind and Northern Black Marsh. Later in the story, he will be at war with the Argonians)
Sullenviir Black-Blade (King of Atmora)
Doshag Sulkiis (Caliphate of Akaviir)
Shaw Crown (King of Hammerfell)
Note: there is a lot more characters but I wanted it to be a surprise. The Dragonborn DLC was changed with the use of the Lady Miraak and the Lady Miraak follower mod. Some of the characters were added by mods and are added to give the story a more fleshed out narrative.