After cell division, each of the daughter cells begin the interphase of a new cycle. Although the various stages of interphase are not usually morphologically distinguishable, each phase of the cell cycle has a distinct set of specialized biochemical processes that prepare the cell for the penetration of cell division. Sometimes natural rock may be used to create a lower platform. In cases where terrain makes a tower obsolete. Ground cabs are called towers, even if they don't sit on a tower. Towers gained popularity, using telephones, carrier pigeons, and heliographs. A portmanteau doesn't involve the truncation of parts of the stems of blended words. For instance, starfish is a compound, not a portmanteau, of star and fish, as it includes both words in full. In which the blend of words is in parts of multiple words or their phones (sounds) are combined into a new word; as in smog, coined by blending smoke and fog. The business lexicon is replete with newly coined portmanteau words, like permafrost (permanent frost), advertainment (advertising and entertainment), and infomercial (information commercial)... For example, a spork is an eating utensil that is a combination of a spoon and a fork. On the other hand, turducken, is a dish made by inserting a chicken into a duck, wherefore you insert the duck into a turkey. The ectoplasm is said to be formed by physical mediums, when in a trance state. This material is excreted as a gauze-like substance from the orifices of the medium's body; and spiritual entities are said to drape this substance over their non-physical body, enabling them to interact in the physical and real universe.All Rights Reserved
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