Following the previous story from The Blizzard of Liberation, the story centres around the aftermath of the kidnapping incident. Matias urged Valen to help him untangle what the Amarillos' notorious neighbour is up to as part of her responsibility for what she wanted back there: to save the girls from the very same person. However, the big task requires more than her abilities as things began to unfold in a sinister way. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Pokémon appearing in the story nor the items (Pokeball, Potions, gym badges) as they belong to Gamefreak and Nintendo. However, the characters are mine and designed by myself. This story is a piss-take on the "overly kind protagonist" and "teenage hero" troupe. It's about consequences and efforts that it takes to make a difference in a messy space. If it makes you sick, please stop reading immediately.
20 parts