The story opens with Sid Lewinski being swarmed by adoring fans as a Top Ten in the National Idol contest. Sid (1st person narrative) brings the reader back to his beginnings at high school, as a friendless and physically immature high school student who is teased and depressed and sneaks prescription drugs from his mother for escape. He contemplates suicide. His high school is known for its superior music program, and though Sid has memorized dozens of Rock and Blues songs he is too insecure to sing publicly. Reilley, a Christian classmate, shows kindness to him but Sid resists. On the night Sid is planning to overdose, Reilley feels a sense of urgency to call him. They talk for hours. He sings for her and she insists he audition for the school's Jazz choir. The music teachers recognize his talent and he soon becomes the school's 'vocal hero', vaulting him into sudden popularity. Jake, Sid's mom's new boyfriend, has a theatre background and works with him to improve his performances. Sid begins his quick rise to the top, but it comes at a price.