Alright this is my first fanfiction and I included my 2 favorite artist EVER Trey Songz and Drake. But just because it is about Drake doesn't mean he is my favorite, actually I can't pick between the two, so they're both at #1 on my list. Alright anyways....
After meeting Trey Songz, Zabrina thought he was the only one for her, that is until she got pregnant and he dipped out on her. And then she felt alone and fells her baby is her only hope to keep her together., but once the baby dies at 3 days old she is more alone than she ever was.
Meanwhile, Drake is having problems of his own, when his "love f his life" breaks his heart cheating on him, with his best friend. Then one day he bumps into Zabrina.
One year passes and Zabrina is finally started to break that shell, after all, she is a model and dance choreographer, she meets another rapper/singer, and starts to feel that hope again. But is she ready t fall again just to be broken to pieces? Will she let Drake have her heart?
Will they let their walls come down? Better yet, will their old loves let them, fall for each other? Read and find out in this magical tale called "Lost Ones"!