"He was enjoying this. Watching this fearless, strong and independent woman falling apart and being the victim of his lunacy. Yet there she stood, waiting for him to finish as this was the price of freedom, not only for us but for her too...The sea is her shelter.This is the place where she can sense for a moment what freedom truly is. "Same mate", the pirate said ;fatigue taking over his body.He closes his eyes for a moment trying not to think what this man did to her. "Plus she is a woman."his companion answered . "You cannot imagine the disrespect women have to face every day just because they've got different things between their thighs.", he continued . "That's something I learned from her.I was prejudiced about them because society made me to. Next to her I learned how to treat society as a construction.That woman could change your whole perspective in a damn minute.Some even say she's the daughter of Athena."he added chuckling. Suddenly the heavy wooden was forcefully opened, moonlight entering the cell and bilinding the two men. She stood there: silver earrings glimmering,eyes burning fire.She looked like a dark alluring deity; a seductive witch. He knew she wasn't one but he wanted so bad to believe it because this very moment he couldn't control his his heartbeat. He was just staring at her; finally giving up and admitting to himself that he had fallen hard for this untamed woman...All Rights Reserved