When you are a small child, you look to your parents to help guide you along the path of righteousness. They are suppose to keep you safe and keep you from harms way but, what if, they are the true monsters? What if they are the reason for all the pain and the heartbreak you feel in your life? What if the things that haunt your nightmares were the same thing that kept me going? Could you handle pretending to be completely sane while surrounded by your friends and family as they lowered your dead husband into the ground? We all make mistakes in our lives and I more than most know how it feels to have real monsters destroying every fiber of my being. If you came to hear a story with a happy ending or a story with a romance then I'm sorry to disappoint you but that's not what you found. You found a story full of heartbreak and crippling depression. This isn't the story for the faint of heart. This is the story about how I escaped my childhood hell. This is the story about how I killed the man I loved. This is the story about how monsters live in every single one of us. Be prepared.