27 parti Completa Per adultiHe eases up and takes a deep breath, looking down. "I'm suppose to be dead, Riley. Over and over. I'm suppose to be dead. Ever since... people... found out I'm surviving gun shots, being stabbed, and tortured, they want to kill me. They want to test on me. Get things from me and test it on themselves, see if they survive. But mainly, these people want me dead. They want to kill the boy who keeps surviving and getting out of death situations just in time"
Riley May Archer.
Archer. The worlds most feared word.
Riley is a sweet adventurous girl who has a gift of helping troubled kids, at only seventeen. But regardless of her kindness, she does know her shit, because she was taught by her family,
The worlds feared dangerous team, The Red Hooders.
Scar Alexander Hugens. Scar should be dead. Shot in the heart by his dad at the age of five, but by a miracle, he survived. Of course by that miracle, gangs are after Scar. Wanting to test on him and especially trying to kill him. But he just keeps running for his life with a group of men, who he thinks are his friends.
Riley one day finds Scar helplessly on the ground, all beaten and torn up, so of course it's her instinct to help him, not knowing what this boy is involved in. But she wants to do everything she can to help him.
**contains gifs and pictures :)