"Mommy? Please don't leave me don't go!" My little feet carrying me as fast as they could towards her, as she disappeared under the nights cover, i looked back looking into the monsters eyes, my eyes twinkled as tears stung me.
I looked up at him in tears after two hard bangs that my small head had experienced. The small space between my head and the wall could not stop him from taking his anger out. Nothing could stop him, not even her, she was laying helplessly on the floor shouting at him to stop.
"Oh princess, am i annoying you now?" He looked at me with a smirk on his face as he put his arm around me.
"Take your hand of me before i break your fingers." I smiled at him while he looked back at Dylan and Luna, debating weather to test me or not.
"Shit, sorry i cant." She reminds me of her every time i look at her.
The alarm rang and red blinded me, telling me i don't have much time as the shouts followed, i stashed everything inside the black bag i was given, i ran out towards the Lamborghini Luna was waiting for me, as people chased me and swore at me in Italian.
"Drive, drive drive!"
35 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
35 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
The exact words he threw at my face still haunts my dreams every single night and I think I'm starting to believe him.
"Wish I've never met you I was so young and stupid, no wonder no one wanted to be with you, you are just holding me down and I honestly just got bored, needed a new chapter in my life that was the main reason I did what I had to do to keep myself happy. I just don't want to lie to myself anymore. I can't do this. I need to be free for once in my life. I'm so relieved that I don't have to marry you anymore, it's like a dead weight lifted from my shoulders. JUST LEAVE! GET OUT NOW! ''
I just didn't know what to do that day I way so shocked, one minute we were one big happy family and the next he throws everything we build up as a family. I should had been warned by his actions the last month that we spend together.
He knew that he was my first for everything and that gave him a push on his ego. Always bragged about being my first and claiming power over the situation. I was blinded by all of his charms and I see that now, I'm so sorry I did not listen Laura, you were just trying to protect me , that's what best friends are for but I chose him and I am truly sorry. I promise I will get a way to show him that I am not just a waste of space and I am going to do it all just for me and my baby girl.
Sexual language and mature content
Read at own risk ;)