Synopsis: Seventeen year old Aida is still terrified of her horrific past with her ex- boyfriend Chase and won't tell anyone what happened hoping she'll forget, and when he leaves for an entire year she hopefully thinks he's gone forever. Aida has not made one inch of progress since then. And with her dad struggling to keep the house she offers to help out every day after school at his hardware store. But what she doesn't know is that Chase is coming back in town to stay for his senior year claiming that he's missing his "girlfriend" and friends. Aida doesn't know what to do because she knows that she will not be able to survive another year with him. So when Tommy the new guy starts to work at her dad's store he tries to befriend her which makes everything complicated and harder for Aida, knowing Chase wouldn't allow it. So will the new mysterious guy be able to help Aida through this or make matters worse...