This is a story created a long time ago in 2018 for a different social media app however I chose to transfer what I wrote here. I hope here it gets appreciated as I put a lot of thought, care, and work into it. Be warned. The early episodes were poorly written as I was very new but I'm still learning and going to become better. The story is about Tetsu Ishi, a boy in a world of advancements thanks to a artifact called the Nexus, the centre of the entire multiverse. The Nexus is an Eternal Being however to survive it must transfer itself into a strong comparable host. It's previous host died and so the Nexus incased itself in a material that protects itself from the outside elements. This material combined with the Nexus' energy can create Ride cards and a device called the Burst Driver. Eons of battle took place with riders battling riders to be the host for such a powerful being but in 2018 a new host had to be found and so the war began. Tetsu must combat many enemies from many worlds if he sought to survive. "=quotes/talking *=inner thoughts ()=explications [\||/]=chapters []=driver&weapon sounds {}=writing such as texts or readings on books or cards The Burst Driver Basically Functions like the decade driver where you open the side parts to open a top component of the driver and push them inwards to close the compartment allowing the Info-red scanner to scan the card within. Though it functions like the decade driver it's visual appeal is that of the Ziku Driver. If I have the time when I finish the series I'll go back and rewrite the early episodes to suit the new writing style I've made but for now I need to move forward. I hope you all like it and understand my efforts as a writer.All Rights Reserved