Two young teens, Blixa and Crystaya, find themselves in an unfamiliar environment. While using the few, dim lights and each other's company, the two must find their way out of the strange, maze-like building. Though, they know they aren't alone. Terrifying creatures lurk about, searching for them. Craving their blood.
Their worst nightmare had just become their reality.
Both characters belong to me! They're my adorable goth children and so I must torture them by making them live in a real-life nightmare! :D
-Warning mentions of gore, s*icide, Jimmy, and some spoilers to the game if u haven't played or watch videos about the game and if you don't want any spoilers I suggest to play the game first before reading
these oneshots are not canon to the game just fanfiction 👁
image belongs to the title of the game and owner of the game💊