- Everything inside the room was black. Nothing changed the dark illumination of light to come in. Nothing let the dark world to peck a sight from the very strange room. The room full of wonder. A prison Nothing was heard from the dark walls. No sound. Everything was covered by the wall of death. A dark metal of nature that didn't let any thoughts to fly through the sweet wind of living. Until... The small room was sharing the vibrating waves of the door slamming open. From the door now pressed to the old wall was standing a small girl. Her pale face was covered by anger. Her anger looked like was flying in every cell of her. The pale girl started to move closer to the closed room. She didn't get anything that was happening. No one believed her, but the heck, she wasn't crazy. No she was far from. She was something else. She closed the door carefully after realize her mistake from her angered self. No one believed that this room existed. No one believed that he existed. Was she crazy? Or were they? "Don't worry my love." His dark voice ranked through the small room. That voice so harsh but in the same time so silk. That voice so beautiful but in the same time held so much scars. "They are the crazy one." And she knew they were, in that exact moment. ***************************************** ********************* Sienna Williams was a young woman trying to find her way in life. I think you all have heard that before. She was a new nurse in "Carillon Noralike Hospital". Her life was simple. Her life was the same. Until ... One patient... One room... That no one can see... Accept her...All Rights Reserved