Aaliyah is werewolf army born and bred. She is from a long line of werewolves that live to protect their own. But one moment in her life altered her world forever. Suffering with grief, she did the unthinkable in their world and disobeyed a direct order from her superior officer, earning her a dishonourable discharge. Cast out by her father for shaming what he saw was the proud legacy of his line, she moved to the vampire world of Elm'nyth.
When a messenger appears with a formal order from the king of her world, Aaliyah is given a second chance at redeeming herself, a chance at earning forgiveness from her father. Returning to the werewolf realm of Askara'velmanti at the height of full moon, Aaliyah happens upon one very fine young man and she spends the night with him, celebrating the tradition that they are accustomed to. She was used to not being what the males of the species saw as a worthy mate, having spent years being a full moon lover to someone and then to have nothing eventuate with them. Waking to an empty apartment the next morning was no surprise to her, she was used to it. Aayliah believed that she was destined to walk the land a lonely woman, never believing she deserved to find her mate.
Consequences for actions is something that Aaliyah is used to. She disobeyed her superior officer, she was discharged from the army. She received a dishonourable discharge, her father disowned her. She left the werewolf realm for the vampire realm having little to do with her own world, she knew little of the changes that happened in her absence. She slept with an unknown man at full moon and will now pay the ultimate price for her actions.
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