10 parts Ongoing Kabir Randawa, a man who fell in love with his woman at a young age. The love they shared was so beautiful and endearing, just like a fairy tale. However, every story had its own hurdles to face. Kabir faced them all with his head held high. He didn't falter when his own father disowned him for becoming a parent at a young age, especially with a girl who was an orphan. He didn't falter when he faced poverty due to circumstances, and he didn't falter when fate played such a cruel game that his wife took her last breath in his arms. A man who faced the cruelty of fate didn't falter, as God gifted him with two angels in his life.
The journey of a father and his two children's!
Kabir Randawa, a man who is the epitome of love and found solace in his two kids. He embarks on a journey of love and discipline as a single father with his two loving kids Kritika and Kiyansh! Together, they navigate the ups and downs of life, creating a bond filled with resilience and forgiveness. How will Kabir handle his mischievous yet loving teenage kids?
Join in the beautiful journey to know more!!!