hi I'm Alex I'm 18 and I babbysit children because my mother said if u want a car you have to raise enough money by myself so she suggested babysitting so I said fine. skyler is my bestfriend and I also have a gay best friend but I treat him like a normal friend his name is Clark. I have a boyfriend his name is puck he is very sweet to me. *Bring Bring* ??? p.o.v Hello...Yup she is... ok she will be there I promise... bye Mrs.Percy That's my mother her name is Rachel parker Rachel's p.o.v Alex Mrs.Percy called u r going to babysitting her little angel ok She is not an angel she is the devil more like the leader of all devils she is a nightmare Alex said Alex be nice your going to babysit and that's final fine when on the 25th Alex's p.o.v I look on my phonemo July 23,2014 = 10:55 crap I have two bars left better charge my phone. I plug in my phone and put it a. side so I grab my headphones and plug them into my laptop DON'T STOP BELIEVING... *Few minutes later*All Rights Reserved