I just did a bad thing
I regret the thing I did
And you're wondering what it is
Tell you what I did
I did a bad thing
I'm having a bad day
It's turning into a bad year
All the things I'm supposed to do
And the places I'm supposed to go
Are canceled
Hey, what's the name of this game?
How do you play it?
And how long does it take?
How many times is the game going to change?
Hey, help me out of this place
Out into the real world
Where maybe things can go my way
Oh, everything goes my way
Oh, everyone knows my name
Having a bad dream
I wonder what this bad dream means
I wonder if I'm sad
I wonder if I'm glad
If I'm just having a sad, glad dream
It's a sad, bad, and bad, glad dream
And I won't get mad about the dream
If you promise to believe in me
It's a sad, bad and mad, glad scheme
It's the best scheme I have
And that's bad enough for me
And I won't get sad if you don't
Seize how mad, glad my schemes can be
Just did a bad thing
I've ruined everything
And I've let the things I ruined ruin me
Hey, what's the name of this game ?
How do you play it?
And how long should it take? (a-oh)
How many times is the game supposed to change? (uh)
Hey, get me out of this place
Out into the real world
Where maybe things can go my way
Oh, everything goes my way
Oh, everything goes astray
Just did a strange thing
Now everything's pink
A tak serio się pytam .. co ci plebsie?
To nie jest moja manhwa będę ją i wyłącznie tłumaczyć.
Xu ChengYan był razem z najstarszym młodym mistrzem rodziny He przez pięć lat, zawsze na zawołanie i ulegał wszystkiemu.
Mimo że He Yang zawsze traktował go z zimną twarzą, Xu ChengYan był chętny, myśląc, że tak długo, jak będzie najbardziej wyjątkowy dla He Yanga, pewnego dnia będzie w stanie stopić tę górę lodową.
Aż pewnego dnia białe światło księżyca He Yanga powróciło do Chin.