This is my first crappy story I am basically doodling down off the top of my head so it is most likely going to be bad heh. This Story is about a boy struggling to survive in a now post apocolyptic world... there is barely any survivors left.. it has been 4 years since the outbreak had occurred and now there are cannibalistic people roaming the streets... they all used to be normal people, just living their life's out but due to a parasitic entity controlling them and manipulating them.. they are forced to kill and change those who aren't already infected.. they usually use weapons of their own and they will communicate with other infected.. usually by talking. This story starts off with a young boy named Andrew Bell.. he grew into a dirty world and Today is the last day of his life.. he has no one and is running out of supplies.. his ammo is low and he has to make every bullet count from his revolver he got from his father in his dying moments..All Rights Reserved
1 part