Roughly two years after Ava Williams left her life in London, she was sure that it was all over. She left Dan, and all her friends behind, fleeing to the comforts of America. But when Dan and Phil are invited to Vidcon, which was being hosted in the same city that Ava was hiding in, Maddy quickly tried to warn her.At the same time, Dan feels the need to visit Ava's family, to apologize for her 'death', only to get a big surprise instead. Upset and confused, Dan seeks answers in Phil, his best friend. But when Phil's answers don't satisfie Dan, he goes to the one person who will. Can Ava fix things with Dan? Is it already too late? And what roll does Dan's knew Italian Model Girlfriend play in this?
You entered my life and suddenly out of nowhere you meant the world to me. I chose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without pause. Without a doubt. In a heartbeat - I'll keep choosing you.
Dan meets Phil. Simple enough. Except Dan can't help but start to fall for this beautiful, interesting boy. And so with the help of his two best friends he tries to make Phil fall in love with him. That is less simple.