Ciara Callaghan has always had a hard life, but she recently got it together, moving in with her best friend, Gael Evans in England. Little did they know, a Drug Dealer was watching them, wanting them because of revenge. One lad, Niall Horan, is tasked with stalking and gathering intell on Ciara and Gael. For the girls, it was only the beginning of the hardships they would face in the near future.
Ciara was defiant. She wasn't going to let this man get the best of her, have her believe that he was saving her, he was the one who brought her here in the damn first place.
"Get the hell away from me! You just leave me here, then come back and act like the hero! I'm not letting you in my pants just because you staged this to make you look like a hero when all you are is a manipulative, unforgiving bastard!" She yelled and slapped Niall.
"You might want to keep in check what you say, girlie, because I'm not so sure if anything else you say like that won't get you slapped. I'm not tryin' ta be the damned hero. I didn't know this was going ta happen, The Boss screwed me over," Niall snapped back.
"Whatever, just take me home, damn it," she glared at the man in front of her.