Wei Wuxian was always different, for many reasons. He was the boy who lived on the streets, a underserving unruly brat in Madam Yu's and many others eyes. Most people ignored the signs till it became apparent Wei Ying had Narcolepsy. One day when Wei Wuxian was lively as ever, he was playing around with Jiang Cheng and his shijie Jiang Yanli. Wei Wuxian and them were having so much fun as Wei Wuxian chased Jiang Cheng around but the Jiang siblings both abruptly stopped laughing. Out of no where Wei Wuxian had collapsed, the only thing that had alerted them of it was the sound of his body hitting the ground. Jiang Cheng rushed to check his pulse as Jiang Yangli ran to get a doctor or her father. After that they didn't just look at him as the unruly brat, they looked at him like he there was something wrong with him. It only got worse after a certain 'incident' that truly showed Wei Wuxian how he was limited because he was different. Everyone looked at him like he was some ill and fragile thing that'd break from a little touch after that.All Rights Reserved