"Thirsty" follows the adventures of Mossy Elliot, a regular ole seventeen year old girl that has been yet another victim of the old clique of being in love with her male best friend, Steven Rogers. And like the clique goes, her love is kept hidden deep inside, and she watches from afar as her best friend goes through girl after girl; whilst failing to see the girl he's actually meant to be with has been here the whole entire time just waiting for him to actually notice her for her.
But everything changes when senior year rolls around and Mossy finally grows tired of standing at the sidelines and makes a decision that will surely change the nature of their relationship forever. She swears to herself that by the term's end, she will have absolutely all of her best friend, just for herself, even if she has to act more than a little thirsty to get him.
Yet unfortunately for Mossy, more than a few issues arise as early as the first day of school to make her plan to win over Steven more than a little harder than it was in first place. Starting with the arrival of Jaycee Evans, a new girl that immediately gains the attention of Steven, whom of which becomes hell bent on winning her heart. And unlike the other times he's wanted a girl, he wants the real thing with Jaycee. Not just the sex.
Yet winning Jaycee's heart is easier said than done, not just due to fact that she isn't like the others Steven had, but more so because she's set her sights on someone else.
That someone being Rilenton "Reezy" Gravers, the thug everyone knows deals dirty, the one that always in the principal office yet always manages to get off with just a slap on the wrist. The smart mouth that unfortunately lives right next to Mossy, who refuses to let the day go by without saying something more than a little cruel.
To wrap it all up, ultimately : Mossy wants Steven, Steven wants Jaycee, Jaycee wants Reezy and Reezy wants Mossy?!
High school has gotten even more dramatic.
After enduring years of neglect and cruelty from her mother and stepfather, Ariana's life changes drastically when tragedy brings her under the guardianship of five brothers she's never met and they never even knew they had a sister.
For her brothers, learning they have a sister is an unwelcome surprise. Suspicious and reluctant, her brothers see Aria as an outsider, a stranger disrupting the fragile balance of their lives.
For Aria, their home is both a new beginning and a constant reminder of the family that left her behind.
Haunted by the pain of her past, Aria struggles to adjust, her every action guarded and her trust hard to earn.
As her brothers try to understand her, they begin to glimpse the scars she hides and the strength she carries. Little by little, resentment turns to empathy, and the walls between them start to crumble. But just as the siblings begin to find common ground, the secrets and trauma of Aria's old life threaten to tear them apart. Together, they must decide whether they can overcome the shadows of the past to forge a family and whether Aria can finally find a place to belong.