~This is an AU Legend Fanfic. All rights for Day and June go to Marie Lu. Everything else that is not Day and June related is mine. I orignially work this as a project for Biology, then I turned it into a fanfiction. Hope you like it! This basically takes the line that Day says when he wondered what would happen if June and he grew up in the slums together. This is what I think would happen with my twist on it. The date is 2649. And the world is in utter chaos, the earth isn’t what it was many years ago. Here in America, it only a fraction of what once was a glorious country. The Floods were relentless, covering most of every country, the only country that remained relatively the same is Africa. Eventually the ozone layer failed everyone, which the heat caused the massive floods and crazy storms. Storms raged at frequencies far beyond prediction.All Rights Reserved