Roman Torchwick and Neo Politan are back in business, and this time, with a whole new executive: General James Ironwood. After a few months conscripted as Atlas soldiers, the pair is given the new and much more mysterious task of tracking down Professor Ozpin, who's whereabouts lead to the equally enigmatic island of Vytal. While traveling, things take a turn for the worse and Torchwick and Neo are separated. Left to wander through the uncharted wilderness in search of one another as well as the Professor, the two find themselves in a bit of a predicament, with things getting stranger by the second!
A sequel to the book 'Neo....', this story picks up where the last left off, taking our most beloved duo and throwing them into a scenario completely out of their forte. Up against new authorities, unexpected surprises, and their own inner-strife, Roman and Neo must confront the unknowns of doubt, danger, and a past that's coming back to life in more ways than one. There's a new question to be asked now, and that is: Whose side are they on--or rather--whose side should they be on?
A Date A Shadow rewrite.
To those that read the original one;
Prologue will be the same; chapter 1 has a few tweaks, some different dialogues and it will also be divided into two parts; chapters 2 and 3 will be completely rewritten.