This story is set in the universe of My Hero Academia, following 2 OCs in said universe. One's name is Dexter King/Elric, Grandson of Edward Elric, yes, the Fullmetal Alchemist. Dexter was born quirkless but uses the alchemy he learned from his grandfather and great-grandfather's books as his "Quirk". The other OC's name is Ai Namakara. Her quirk is ink manipulation. The tattoos on her body are manipulated to form inky weapons or inky animal guardians. The two were in love and had graduated recently from UA high to becoming pro heroes. when they weren't doing hero work, they stayed in their apartment with each other. Ai's Dad, Hyun Namakara, was a villain, and the one who killed Ai. Dex, in his rage, killed Hyun and was hospitalised soon after due to the injuries he sustained. This follows that. By the way, Jonosuke "Joe" Kirigakure is a father figure for Dexter, and Monica is someone who used to work with Hyun, but turned good and is now Joe's Girlfriend. WARNING: There are sensitive topics in this story, see this as your final warning.All Rights Reserved
1 part