[BL] Help, My Classmate is Trying to Murder Me!
8 Partes Concluida My name is Zhao Lingfeng. I have a classmate named Dong HeFeng. He's tall, handsome, friendly, smart, and sociable-everything about him is good, except for one thing: he wants to kill me.
How do I know? Well, I've known him since middle school and we were never close. If I saw him in the hall, I would only take an extra glance. Perhaps we would even nod to one another as a way to say "hello." But all of a sudden, in the middle of our first year of secondary school, he started sticking to me! Every day, every class, and sometimes, even every minute! If it were only this, I would just assume he really wants to be friends; but what really convinced me of his intent to murder me was the way he would stare and observe me for long moments at a time. Tell me, if he's not trying to kill me, then what exactly is he trying to do?!
Therefore, I must never let my guard around HeFeng. Who knows what he'll do if I'm not careful. HeFeng, just you wait. I'll force out your true intentions soon!