Angie is a school nice school girl who gets her ways and gets straight A's on her report card.than on the other hand Bella is the captain on the cheerleading team who also gets her ways but not a very straight A person.Angie and Bella were best friends no matter how different they are,until one day jealousy causes these 2 best friends to turn in 2 different directions.Angie makes a new trust worthy friend named Mariah.Bella does not like the fact that Angie has other friends besides her so she tries to get revenge on Mariah. until one day Mariah's found dead in the woods.Angie uses all the strength she has to find out what happened to the dead girl she called friend.will Angie find out what happened Mariah? will Angie get revenge on who did this? Can Angie trust anyone anymore.or is it all over?All Rights Reserved