Another popular weight loss pill Alli the closest contender with Proactol could bind only 23% of the fat and to cap it up it had very serious and embarrassing side effect as most of its users suffered from involuntary excretions. It was even suggested that the users of Alli should carry an extra trousers to hide their inconvenience. Proactol without doubt is the best safest and most effective weight loss pill available in the market. Weight loss may have a look good goal for many people. That may be the result but feeling good and being healthier will also be the result in most cases. Dr. Henry Lodge says "Premature death (70%) is lifestyle related." Is your leisure time spent lounging or moving? Research has proven that exercise causes your body to need more capillaries and blood vessels to carry the increased oxygen intake. New capillaries have been captured on film during exercise so this is not just a predicted occurrence. It actually happens. A sedentary lifestyle does not produce more energy a healthy body or more brain power. What kind of messages is your lifestyle sending to your body? Overeating sends the message that you need more space for fat cells. Constant lounging send the message that you do not need any fresh brain neurons or blood capillaries to accommodate your activity. On the other hand if you are doing some type of exercise like aerobics walking or sports like tennis or golf these tell your body and your brain that you need more new production to handle your output. The good Lord has designed our bodies to respond to these challenges in magnificent fashion. You cannot buy these great responses at the pharmacy but you can encourage them by your lifestyle. Rights Reserved