Soooo. I've read a ton of Granger Family Reunions and they were interesting at first but then got boring so here is my version. Hermione hasn't seen her family or been at a family reunion for 20 years. She finds of that she must go. She runs the hotel where it is held. She runs it with her former enemy Draco Malfoy. They decide to be civil with each other once she finds out she is adopted. Her blood family is Zabini. 5 years after Hermione leaves school she gets married to THE Draco Malfoy. Nobody knows besides their best friends. How will Hermione feel when she finds out that this reunion will be a month long? What will her cousins do when they find out that Hermione is married and is better off than them? Find out in Granger Family Reunion Disclaimer: I don't own any Harry Potter characters. I do own the cousins and aunts and uncles. I don't own Harry Potter