Hardworking woman, Vivienne Peterson found herself in a dangerous situation when she got stranded on a secluded island with a psychopath. Vivienne Peterson is a 26-year-old event organizer who tries to work her way through both her father's big hospital bill and the everyday living expenses of New York City. She used to be beautiful but her first heartbreak have taken a toll on her physical appearance, she makes herself as unattractive as possible and shows no interest in men. But her life changed the day she met Derrick Roberts- a psychopath escaper whom she got marooned with on a secluded island when she was tasked to organize a beach wedding and missed the cruise ship. While Vivienne is trying to get out of the island, Derrick on the other hand, seems to be enjoying the situation. The lad always tricks Vivienne when he gets the chance to which makes her push him away, but in the process of doing so, she realizes she's falling for Derrick. Will Derrick get any better and love Vivienne back when getting a psychopath to discover their feelings and fall in love is like training an amputee to run?All Rights Reserved
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