I hear a single pair of hands clapping coming up from behind me ripping me out of my thoughts. I stand up with my soar body and sweat dripping down every crevice. "I'm impressed." Millionaire guy says outside of the ring. "Welcome to the Mafia." He says simply and turns around. Wait. What?? "Mafia?" I ask suddenly hoping I heard him wrong. He turns around with a smirk on his face. "Yes, since you defeated my best fighter. Now you're my best fighter. Welcome to the Beneveti Mafia." He says with a big smile on his face. Oh hell no. A surge of anger went through my veins and I couldn't control myself. I sprint out of the ring and dodge all of the men trying to pull me back from this piece of shit I've heard about my whole life. I grab ahold of his shoulder to swing myself over him and body slam him on the concrete but he counter acted my hold. He swung me in front of him holding me in a hold with a sharp object up to my neck. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, pretty." He says whispering in my ear. ----------- Brynn Vera Moretti is a 21 year old girl who can fight better than any man. She gets captured by the Beneveti Mafia. The leader Mauro Nazario Beneveti sees she's an amazing fighter and feels she could be to good use. Join her on her journey with the Beneveti Mafia and new friends she makes down the way. *This book is dedicated to my niece Brynn. You're the love of my life and when you're old enough to read this I hope it gives you the power to be who you are.Todos los derechos reservados