Six Girls go on an epic quest to save the worlds. You heard me, WORLDS. Abigail, Alex, Sam, Shelbi, Blake, and Erin, must save the worlds before the entire barrier is demolished. If that happens, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE.
Heres a better summary.
All Abigail ever wanted was an un ordinary life. Instead, she got the worst thing she could ever wish for. Her brother to die. It has been a couple years now, and Abigail has been having dreams about her brother. One dream leads up to seeing him again. Abigail, Alex, Sam, Shelbi, Blake, and Erin embark on an adventure to save both of there worlds. Will they be able to save the magic and human world, along with saving Abigail's brother from permanent death? This summary sucked too. ^w^ Soul Out~