Silence, The very sound we listen to when no one is around, Though it isn't true, Sound is every where, From the innocents' laughter from the distance To The Sound Of A Thousand Screams. Beeping, Everywhere around me...There's beeping... Monitors and screens showing that they're in stasis Lock. When will they awake? When will I see them again? Silence, Within their stasis lock, there is silence. Worlds of imagination flowing within them, wether it's their deepest desires or their memories. Will they thank me for awakening them? Or will they despise me for ending their happily ever after? Their imagination running through their processor, like a river flowing down stream in different directions Or a water fountain slowly breaking as the water sprays out in different forms Or the tears of an innocent streaming down their faceplate, never ending, and never in one direction. Silence, The only thing we'll never get to hear in our waking moments, Silence.