Help break cycles of negative team interaction expressing what is trust-making vs. what is trust-breaking. This is #1 of 11 "ways of being" you can consciously adopt to foster team cohesion and grow the "fruits of emotional connection." These BE CARD traits are often featured in EmC Salon conversation programs online, our YouTube recordings, and other EmC Team Presentations. This material was abstracted from Dr. Lola Gershfeld's book, Trustmakers: The Greatest Treasures in Business, used in conjunction with the inspiring and convenient -to -carry Be Cards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The word transparent has Latin roots dating back to the 16th century. It was first used to describe how easily light passed through objects. By 1590, transparent had taken on its current figurative use-something or someone is easily seen through. Being transparent does not mean to lack substance - quite the opposite. Transparency is the condition of wearing your mettle and conviction like the second layer of skin for all to see. As you explore the work-scenario below of a fellow named Cody, notice what bubbles up or is triggered for you about transparency. Have you been in a circumstance where transparency was trust-making or trust-busting? Will Cody's story inspire you for more courageous, transparent communication? Rights Reserved