he was as cold as the freezing winter, but at the same time he was the one who warmed you up, like a cup of hot chocolate. lowercase intended! 1 | produce 28 | produce 101 1 | produce x 101 1 | pdx101 1 | minhee 4 | kang minhee 3 | x1 3 | cravity 1 | starship 3 | oui 1 | top media 1 | woolim 1 | plan a 2 | brand new music 1 | wooseok 1 | kim wooseok 12 | yohan 19 | kim yohan 7 | hyeongjun 1 | song hyeongjun 1 | hangyul 1 | eunsang 6 | lee eunsang 9 | seungwooAll Rights Reserved