June 28, 2019
Since becoming a vegan on February 8, 2019, I have lost a total of 12 kgs. It's been almost five months and I am so proud of myself for sticking to this new lifestyle. My husband, family members and friends tease me a lot. My husband was so sure I will eat meat during my eight-day vacation in Manila and I proved him wrong. I rarely wear dresses and skirts because my legs are so fat but I feel more confident now that I have lost weight. I have never lost this much weight in a span of five months. I was a miserable omnivore for 43 years. I owe my health and mental transformation from the documentary What the Health and to all the vegan videos on Youtube.
I am so grateful for Netflix. I am so thankful for What the Health. I was completely ignorant about animal cruelty and speciesism. How can I love my dogs and eat animals? Too much pain and violence result to my addiction to animal products. My body suffered too much bad karma for my ignorance.
The journey to self-forgiveness takes time. I repent, I make amends to my soul and body every day. It is better late than never.
I hope I can inspire you to consider going vegan or even eat less animal products to save yourself, save the environment and save millions of animals who DO NOT DESERVE TO DIE. #govegan