A Sarah Baska Fan Fic, which I hope she never reads.. ever. (Warning: This is not planned at all, and not scripted very accurately, considering you and I do not know Sarah Baska personally. If you are not interested in LGBTQ+ subjects, this novel is not for you, as it is obviously based around two females. Yourself, and Sarah.) You are Angelica Hue, a new uprising entertainer on the platform www.youtube.com. Like many current YouTubers, you rose to fame quickly, and grabbed it by the balls as soon as you could before it drifted away. Because YouTube fame can rise and fall at any given time! The way you shoved yourself into the spotlight, and continued on shining? Moving to Los Angeles, California, YouTuber Haven! But among the many YouTubers you meet in this bustling city, only one intrigues and Sparks interest within you..