When Southside High closes, it forces the serpents to the notorious Northside Riverdale High. Cheryl Blossom, the schools HBIC, and Toni Topaz, serpent princess, instantly hate each other due to their social differences. Cheryl being from the Northside thought she was the greatest thing to bless the planet, while Toni from the Southside, fought everyday of her life to become the strong serpent she was proud to be. The two go to great measures to make each other lives a living hell, until Toni unknowingly needs Cheryl's help, leaving the redhead stuck with no choice.
Feelings may start to change but can each put aside the fact they are supposed to hate each other. This is the Thin Line.
A tragic event happened and both of them lived in separate ways. Broken and Lost. How will they surpass all their worries and fears? Will Cheryl and Toni conquer all the challenges that will come to them? Even if it includes death?
Let us all together solve this mystery and learn to love at the same time!