20 parti Completa Per adultiThis story is actually from a song which is about one girl trying to convince herself that people have it worse than her and that she didn't need to commit suicide. All the girls represented one of her problems. There was one girl with braids, one that was short, one with a yellow cardigan and then the others that she didn't explain.
But at the end, it explained her as short with braids and a yellow cardigan. So, the girl had her boyfriend break up with her, people steal from her and bully her and her family was abusing her at home. Also, with the last girl, it said what did I just say before she said don't do it please.
Proving that she did the things that the girl with the yellow cardigan said. Sadly, in the song, she gave up on trying to convince herself and she committed suicide. Luckily this time, this girl has seven guardians, a big brother figure, a better father-figure who is their teacher to be the new Mafia Don to the Vongola.
How will they handle trying to keep her from killing herself? Or will a new boyfriend keep that from happening ever again? Will she stop? Or will her boyfriend take things into his own hands really?