Three Shots is a short story which tells the tragic tale of a young girl, exploited and tortured, who upon not receiving help from her kindred turns to the only option available to her, that is, killing her offender. Though taking the life of her wrongdoer would not give back the lost years of her life, it would avenge her pain and would free her from the shackles of confinement.
Rape is a crime and countless undocumented rape victims all over the world have never had the chance to seek assistance from the concerned authorities or the required support.
The despicable memories still haunt them, making it difficult for them to cope with reality.
A 5-year-old Valentina whose life gets turned upside down by the sudden passing of her beloved mother. Her only family or is it?.
Lorenzo De luca is a cold, heartless billionaire who is known to never take shit from anyone. What happens when he finds out that he has a daughter?.
Read to find out